Eldrador Creatures - Turn-Based Gaming For Kids

Eldrador Creatures - Turn-Based Gaming For Kids
Source: Steam

For a couple of years, I’ve attempted to get my daughter into point and clicks, strategy and turn-based games. The youngest will play anything with dad, but she’s too young. We need something to ease them into the genre. Ah, Eldrador Creatures

Yeah, that’s a lame opener, but it’s entirely true. Willy Morgan and the Curse of Bone Town is probably the only game from that list she’s played, so I was pleased to see this game from Independent Arts (in German) and Wild River Games.

There’s a registered symbol ned to Eldrador, so I’m assuming this is a well-known franchise. New to me, let’s dissect it briefly to confirm that the game takes place over four worlds, with 20 playable Eldrador Creatures to pick from.

These four worlds comprise lava, ice, stone and jungle, and in addition to the main creatures, you have mini versions. The key thing to take away is this is an entry-level experience, so may be just what the doctor (or eager parents) ordered.

Here’s an old trailer for Eldrador Creatures:

You can pick it up from Steam, but it’s for the Switch and PS4 too. If the opportunity presents itself, expect a review in due course.