Join Other Courageous/Stupid Volunteers And Take Part In Empty Shell

Empty Shell game steam
Source: Steam

CC Arts and Hyperstrange did a great job marketing Empty Shell during the Steam Next Fest. Yesterday, the event finished, and upon that door closing, another one opens as this cool indie shooter is now available.

Without knowing anything about the game, I downloaded it on a whim and was impressed with this low-visibility twin-stick shooter. Emphasis on the other sub-genre that this falls under: survival horror.

Ammo is scarce in Empty Shell, much like the lighting. In fact, everything is limited – including the intel your characters are provided with. Go power up the generators again, and what-not are some of the tasks these volunteers take up. Wait – volunteers?!

Check out the trailer below:

Empty Shell is available now on Steam with a limited discount of 10% until the 23rd of October, 2023. Participation is not voluntary.