Enraged With The Festive Season? Here's An Xmas Themed Shooter

Enraged With The Festive Season? Here's An Xmas Themed Shooter
Source: Steam

Christmas isn’t for everyone, and FictumLudos‘ upcoming shooter, Enraged, might be able to help cope with the turkey, 007 re-runs and unwanted socks: take out Santa and his shoddy operation.

That’s not a cynical view, mind – the Santa we all know and love it running a dodgy sweatshop of rabid elves and robots that are intent on stopping you from taking out their overlord. It’s getting you in the festive spirit, right?

Enraged in a 2D melee shooter where you’ll be shooting, kicking, punching, throwing knives and using explosions to undo Christmas – not because you’re a killjoy, but perhaps because you’re actually trying to save it.

Check out the trailer below:

Enraged releases on Steam on the 16th of December. Add it to your Christmas wishlist with the link below.