EQI Enjoy Your Trip On The Switch

EQI Enjoy Your Trip On The Switch
Source: Nintendo

Time to take a trip on the Switch, and that’s not just the commute but psychedelic first-person arcade game EQI – out now from Hyperstrange (creators of Elderborn).

The gameplay is as ambiguous as the press material, and EQI appears to be a game that you need to experience and not just play. That can ring as deep as you like. In short, you enter a digital world that will challenge your ‘senses, focus, and reflexes’.

EQI - Wallpaper ideas
Wallpaper ideas. Source: Nintendo

Key features include:

  • Explore and solve over 20 stages, increasing in size and difficulty
  • Control your own movement and shift the world around you
  • Solve puzzles, see through illusions, and master challenging obstacle courses
  • Put your skills to the ultimate test with Switch-exclusive challenge mode
  • Immerse yourself in the electronic pulse of the game’s OST

The trailer will be able to explain it better (or perhaps not):

Pick up EQI on the Nintendo Switch. It’s on the radar, so watch this space…