Every Wicce Way But East

Every Wicce Way But East
Source: Nintendo

Wicce is a new action-adventure from publisher CFK (Arrest of a Stone Buddha) that kicks off with a 10% discount for pre-orders on the Nintendo Switch from today.

You play a witch in the game. When your daughter doesn’t return from the deep woods, you set out to find her. It’s a side-scrolling adventure where you’ll face ‘foul fields and deadly traps’ in a dark fantasy atmosphere.

Wicce - Give me back my daughter
Give me back my daughter! Source: Nintendo

You’ll use your witch’s broom to attack, cast magic and fly. The infamous double jump makes an appearance too. Your witch with no name can also heal townsfolk and also uncover treasure chests throughout each stage.

The goal in Wicce is to find your daughter, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be an easy feat as you’ll encounter abominations, once human beings, that’ll cross your path intent on hindering your progress. All seems very mysterious, right? Yep, I’m picking that up too.

How’s about a Wicce trailer?

The worldwide (baby) release date will be the 3rd of June 2021 for the Nintendo Switch. It features multiple endings too, woot!