From Your Crocoquackers To Autonomous Ears, Exit: A Biodelic Adventure Has It All

I'm not even going to attempt to summarise this one, other than confirm the Exit: A Biodelic Adventure release date.

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure release date
Source: Steam

What was the last biopunk point and click adventure you played? Mine was the Exit: A Biodelic Adventure demo from a couple of Steam Next Fests ago, plus it’ll be the next one, too, as it’ll be released next month.

Be honest with me (and yourself): what other biopunk point and click adventures have you played? I’m not going to attempt to explain what neurosaur’s game is about, and I would recommend you look at the Steam page for more deets. However, when their press material refers to some of my favourite films, such as eXistenZ and Videodrome, it has to be explored.

Here are some of Exit: A Biodelic Adventure’s features (give yourself a minute to digest:

  • Biointerfaces: for poking, sniffing, and nibbling everything in sight.
  • Body modifications: your bioport craves insectampules, and your ear can be detached and sent on a mission.
  • Weird characters: a naturmorph, a crocoquacker, an octopod, and many other friends of Adem.
  • Bizarre items: bioflashes, sniffer snails, brain cartridges, pheromone pods, and more.
  • Unusual locations: a rooflid, an ichthyoserver room, and the lair of a love-struck shoggoth, etc..
  • Dramatic plot: presented concisely and without lengthy dialogues.

Maybe a moving picture show would explain better?

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure release date is the 1st of March 2024 for PC via Steam. Deets below.