Fall Of Porcupine Could Be The Next Indie Pulling On Your Heartstrings

Fall of Porcupine
Source: Steam

The opening lines of the press material for Fall of Porcupine validate it as a game worth making a note of. ‘…a wholesome, heartfelt tale depicting the injustices healthcare workers face every day‘, covering the industry’s lack of work/life balance.

You play Finley as they begin their first few weeks working at a provincial hospital to practise internal medicine. Initially, a quaint place to be, building new friendships, Finley soon finds himself facing dilemmas and realising that not everyone is what they appear to be.

Taking inspiration from Scrubs and Night in the WoodsFall of Porcupine sounds like a powerful, emotional journey, but we’ll have to wait until next year for it to come out. In the meantime, here are some of the features:

  • You’ve Got a Friend in Me: Engage in funny, profound, and serious dialogues with townsfolk, where you can choose from branching dialogue trees. Choose wisely, as they influence character relationships.
  • Journey of Self-Discovery: Though the cute and loveable characters and cozy world take center stage; Fall of Porcupine is not afraid to tackle serious topics to truly find out where it hurts, and why
  • Secrets Beneath the Surface: At first glance, the small town is a warm, friendly place where everyone knows and greets each other. However, dark shadows lurk beyond this friendly facade. Discover the town’s secrets, and be on guard!
  • Fondly Familiar Gameplay: Fall of Porcupine is a highly polished and unique story-adventure for those who love mystery RPGs and heartwarming stories. The simple but fun gameplay-mechanics and creatively designed characters and world speak to mainstream-, indie-, and first time-gamers alike.

…and a teaser trailer? Sure:

Fall of Porcupine, from Assemble Entertainment, is coming to PC (Steam and GOG), Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and the Xboxes in 2023. A demo is available now on Steam.