Fantasy of Expedition Ventures On To Steam Early Access Next Week

Fantasy of Expedition Ventures On To Steam Early Access Next Week
Source: PR

Fantasy of Expedition is out next week on Steam Early Access, a strategy RPG rogue-like, if you will, from Bottle Milk Studio.

It’s a rogue-like strategy where you build a team of warriors and priests to rid the land of Damons. Sorry, demons. Sorry, Damo. Each new playthrough offers a new and fresh approach with a variety of power-ups to boot.

As you’re commanding a team, you’ll need to manage their formation, preferably playing the long ball… of death, and ensuring that you use each unit’s skill wisely in a series of chaotic skirmishes.

Fantasy of Expedition - Go team
Go team! Source: PR

Here’s a fresh gameplay trailer:

Pick up your copy Early Access edition of Fantasy of Expedition today the 14th of September from Steam.