Those Waves Look Ferocious! Wait, What's That...?

Ferocious coming soon
Source: Steam

OMYOG’s Ferocious fills that void left by Turok all those years ago on the Nintendo 64. That was years ago. Do you mean there hasn’t been a decent dino FPS since then? I’m sure there has been, but I’m not a typical fan of dinosaurs, Kong, or anyhthing remotely similar. 


Ferocious is like Crysis but being stalked by predators that can’t fit into bulletproof armour. The early visuals in this jungle survival game are mad, and we have Unity to thank for that. 

While the vegetation and beautiful water effects may seem familiar, the creatures you’ll encounter are unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Well, that’s the premise – we’ll have to wait for tinyBuild to release more info in due course.

Here’s the trailer:

Ferocious is coming to PC and consoles. A release date hasn’t been announced, but watch this space.