Fireworks Mania Demo Goes Off With A Bang

Fireworks Mania Demo Goes Off With A Bang
Source: Steam

With only a month to go, Fireworks Mania gets a free demo in time for Bonfire Night on the 5th of November. Available up until the 13th of October, players will be able to unleash that inner pyrotechnic.

So it’s a firework simulator where you plot a course for your bang? Sure, but judging from the trailer, it’s mischievous too as you can plant fireworks in trashcans and all manner of neighbourhood goodies to cause absolute mayhem.

Scheduled for a release during the Steam Games Festival, the demo teases you with blowing stuff up in anticipation for the full release in December. A little time to wait, sure, but Fireworks Mania is a solo developer, Laumania, and they have a life, don’t you know!

Here’s a quick video, giving a brief insight into the development of the game:

Go check out the demo now and wishlist Fireworks Mania on Steam.