Fireworks Mania Preview

Fireworks Mania Preview
Source: Steam

When I first saw Fireworks Mania and wrote the news piece, I was under the impression that it was a bit of a gimmick, but in fear of labelling something before playing it, was keen to give the demo a try.

I was so engrossed in causing havoc in an undisclosed town in the game that I forgot to grab any screenshots and subsequently deleted the game in error. However, the demo finishes today, and as long as the game is ready as planned, we should see the full release by December 2020.

There are two types of simulator: those that are thorough and offer the most realistic kind of experience such as Fishing: North Atlantic or Bus Simulator, or crazy, fun sandboxes such as Goat Simulator or possibly Wanking Simulator. I haven’t played the latter, but have an idea on the concept, and I’m sure it’s ‘fun’.

Fireworks Mania Preview

After you’ve seen one set of fireworks, they don’t wow you as much as they did as a child and I wouldn’t lose sleep if missing a celebration of New Year et al. or the 5th of November. Fireworks Mania changes that mindset, most likely because it’s interactive, but also safe.

Fireworks Mania - Legs
Legs for miles. Source: Steam

I’d consider myself law-abiding, breaking the rules as much as anyone else, so why is it that without following any tutorial, I naturally ended up at a petrol station, ditched a box of Steam Games Festival fireworks and lit the place up? It was so invigorating and madcap to see rockets firing off down the street, blowing up at eye level then destroying said petrol station.

There are no health bars, no objectives, just complete freedom and creativity to do what you like. It would have paid off to read the instructions, however, as I was dropping fireworks all over the place, even trying to prop them up against objects but without success. Then it occurred to me how to get them upright and launch them into the sky as intended. That didn’t last as I was soon attempting to blow up the neighbourhood.

Go Create!

The game was created by Mads, a.k.a. Laumania after his son wanted to experience a firework simulator, so, he made one. I haven’t played the development video to my eldest child, as I don’t want her to get any ideas. There’s no blood and guts, no profanity – just simple mayhem in the confines of a virtual world (this would be great in VR).

You can select from all sorts of rockets, firecrackers, props and novelties such as those god awful screaming fireworks that I couldn’t help add to my concoctions every time. While family-friendly, some of the rockets did look like dildos and some of the names were unintentionally funny.

Fireworks Mania - Assortment
The roster. Source: Steam

In short, I can’t think up enough superlatives to say how excited I am about his game. With my little girl sitting on my lap having a go with the headphones on, bursting out with laughter as the screen shook as she blew up a propane tank, I couldn’t help but shout to my eldest to come to witness the chaos.

Fireworks Mania is fresh, creative, and an authentic sandbox where you can get up to as much mischief as possible without fear of giving the coppers a fake name or suffering any irresponsible safety mishaps. 

Add it to your wishlist from the Steam page. Sorry, that wasn’t an order, but do check it out.