Flashback 2 Greenlit For 2022

Flashback 2 Coming
Source: Nintendo

Here’s a flashback for you – Flashback 2, a sequel to that game from, what… 30 years ago? While nobody has been holding their breath for a follow-up, this is welcome news for such a beloved game.

Perhaps you played this on the Amiga (me) or the console releases back in the day or part of your retro haul, or even on the latest generation as you can pick up the original Flashback in collector’s editions relatively cheap.

Flashback 2 - On a roll in the first
Not Flashback 2, but from the revamped Flashback Switch version. Source: Nintendo

Building upon the realistic character animations that started with Another World and BlackthorneFlashback was released back in 1992. Now we have a sequel in Flashback 2, courtesy of Paul Cuisset and Microids.

Developing a sequel to Flashback is an idea I’ve had for a very long time. I can’t wait for players to discover the new adventures of Conrad B. Hart, a character created almost 30 years ago. With Microids, we are really aiming to please the fans of the original title while being appealing to any players with a weak spot for futuristic games.

Paul Cuisset

That’s right; Conrad B. Hart features again! This is fresh off the press, as in yesterday’s news, so there isn’t any promotional material yet. But what we do know is Flashback 2 will be coming to PC and consoles in 2022.