Food Truck Simulator Demo Gets Vast Improvements, Playable This Week

Food Truck Simulator Demo coming to Steam
Source: Drago Entertainment

And another simulator… this time, it’s a revised demo for Food Truck Simulator from DRAGO Entertainment (Gas Station Simulator) and Movie Games. Featuring a wealth of improvements (some listed below), it’s looking ace.

The aim is to ‘renovate, equip and restore the shine of the food truck that belonged to your father’. That’s right, kids, it’s an inheritance game. You’ll create recipes, cook and serve food while on your rounds, and guess what? Dennis makes an appearance…

Food Truck Simulator improvements include:

  • cutting rework
  • tool wheel
  • bigger map with new locations (locked for demo)
  • added mini-map instead of the compass and improved the main map
  • locked future features
  • performance
  • polished city
  • cleaning mechanic expanded
  • appearance feature (cleaning related)
  • truck movement improved
  • gas stations in the city (fuelling and fast travel locked in demo)
  • new upgrades for truck and some changes with customization/upgrades tabs
  • new voice actress for Clara

Here’s that trailer once more:

The Food Truck Simulator demo gets released on Steam on the 27th of July, and the full game should be ready for the 14th of September 2022.