Football Drama On The Switch Take The Theatrics Off The Pitch

Football Drama coming to Switch
Source: Steam

Football is so full of drama. If it isn’t over-paid amateur theatrics rolling on the floor until they get the ‘magic spray’, it’s whether or not the top flight want to create a new league. I say we need more drama: Football Drama.

Psst… you can read the Football Drama review here.

That was an over-exerted introduction, but we got there. It’s a bit of a quandary as I love football games but can’t stand the melodrama that goes with it. Could this be a good mix? You know what? Watching the trailer has piqued my interest.

Football Drama - Embarrassing
Embarrassing. Source: Steam

Featuring card-based tactics, and no, not the yellow and red variety, you play Calchester Assembled FC manager Rocco Galliano and experience his life both on and off the pitch, while also judged by a cat. This sounds like an ex-porn star managing a team from Viz while directed by Terry Gilliam. I’m in!

We don’t think that football and its universe make any sense at all, and the humour we’ve put in both writing and design is a way of expressing that.

Pietro Polsinelli, Director at Open Lab Games

It comes across as a fusion of a soap opera, Football Manager, while a sprinkle of deck-building, so if that sounds good, check out the Football Drama trailer below:

Football Drama is already available on Steam, iOS and Android, but it will be heading to the Nintendo Switch and currently available for pre-order. I’m not sure if you folk ever click on the links (they aren’t affiliates – this site runs like a charity), but here’s a link to the Nintendo UK store for reference.