For The King II Announced For 2023

For The King II Announcement
Source: Steam

Here’s a scoop (unless you’ve already heard from the herald): For The King II is in development – a follow-up to the excellent strategy game from IronOak Games

It’s a continuation to the rogue-like RPG predecessor that allows players to solo their adventure or go co-op with up to four players.

For The King II places emphasis more on the strategic element, focusing on ‘decision making and class, armour and weapon customisation players will need to pick their battles carefully, arming characters with the skills and gear needed to succeed in this famously unforgiving combat system that rewards planning and foresight’.

Watch the For The King II trailer below to stoke that fire:

Unfortunately, the bad news is it won’t be out until 2023. That said, you can wishlist it on Steam now. Go on, do it.