Forest Grove Is A Futuristic Detective Game Coming To PC

Forest Grove Is A Futuristic Detective Game Coming To PC
Source: Steam

Futuristic detective game Forest Grove has been announced for PC, from Miga Games, set in 2072, without a single mention of cyberpunk

Your role is the first Remote Forensic Investigator, and in this particular story, you have to solve the disappearance of a young teenager. Help is at hand, and not just old school forensics, but the Nanodeck – a portable device that reconstructs a scene atom by atom.

Forest Grove - Family room...
Family room…? Source: Steam

As with any detective story, the more you reveal in Forest Grove, the more obvious that there’s something off, and not as it seems. Do we need to define the nature of a crime? Find out what happened to the victim, then serve justice.

Here’s a trailer:

Forest Grove is heading to Steam in August. You can add it to your wishlist by following the link below. No Nanodeck required.