Games Worth Putting On Your Steam Wishlist 2024

Games Worth Putting On Your Steam Wishlist 2024
Source: Steam

Turkey dinners done, GOTY’s disagreed with, here’s one of those beginning of the year listicles, this time focusing on upcoming my/your Steam wishlist 2024, and the occasional ‘coming soon’ that warrants a look, too.

Bear in mind this is a selection from my wishlist, so it’s opinion-based. Some of these titles have been sitting there for years and haven’t been released, and most tend to be narrative-driven games. 

The Night Is Grey would have featured on this list, but it’s out now and reviewed here.

…and, in no particular order…

The Steam wishlist feature isn’t just a great way to keep an eye on release dates but also helps the developers. Don’t feel you need to break a nail – wishlist those that interest you now!