Ghostrunner Leaps On To The Switch This Month

Ghostrunner On Switch
Source: PR

Ever since seeing the teaser trailer, I was stoked for Ghostrunner and was quick to play the demo during a Steam Festival. Everything about it was how I imagined, but playing on the keyboard (without a controller at the time), was impossible for me.

Imagine my surprise that the game is coming to the Switch this month. It’s a bit of a shocker as this is a beautiful game and would be interested to see how it turns out. Fortunately, the actual gameplay was great – more so that it can be played on the go as if you were a futuristic courier.

In case you’re unfamiliar, Ghostrunner is a cyberpunk first-person parkour game from One More Level3D Realms and Slipgate Ironworks. In the brief demo I played, the way it handles is superb, but it’s a one-hit-kill scenario, so easy to eff your runs up. The levels, not your bowels.

Ghostrunner - Parts
Private (sale) parts. Source: PR

Key features include:

  • Become the ultimate cyberpunk ninja on the go
  • Ghostrunner is designed to take full advantage of the Switch hardware, delivering a smooth experience
  • Ascend a dystopian tower: run on walls, deploy an energy-based grappling hook, hijack and ride flying drones, and much more
  • Wield a katana sharp enough to cut through flesh and steel in thrilling one-hit-one-kill combat
  • Fast respawns alleviate frustration to keep players gripped by the twisting narrative

Purchasing the game will secure two exclusive items for the Switch (regrettably these are game items, not real-world objects):

  • 1x Exclusive Katana Sword
  • 1x 1st party Exclusive Nintendo Katana Sword

Again, if you’re unfamiliar, here’s a Ghostrunner PS4 trailer as everything else is IGN:

You can pick up the game on the Nintendo Switch from the 10th of November. It’s already available on Steam, PS4 and Xbox One and will be launching on next-gen in 2021.