Gigantosaurus The Game Out Now

Gigantosaurus The Game Out Now

Dinosaurs were so last season, an anachronism if you will. You won’t see any parading London Fashion Week or any influencers sharing scaly tips on how to get the most of your carpometacarpus. Gigantosaurus The Game, however, offers a new take on these old school birds.

First off, these brutes are gorgeous. Think of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, and you have an inkling on what to expect on presentation, quality and perhaps, gameplay. Only one aspect differs – Gigantosaurus The Game is a 1-4 player multiplayer adventure.

Based on the animated series of the same name, in turn, inspired by the book (visual novels made of paper), this is Gigantosaurus‘ first outing in the gaming world. We’re most likely to hear more of the franchise when the series comes to Netflix later in the year, so parents unite as Gigantosaurus The Game is just the beginning.

Gigantosaurus The Game - Selfie
This was when the selfie was invented. Source: PR

In the game, players can choose from Rocky, Tiny, Mazu and Bill where they race against one another to locate the notorious Gigantosaurus: the biggest, fiercest dinosaur of all. Aside from the conventional mother-in-law.

Gigantosaurus The Game is likely to quench the thirst of your child’s inquisitive nature; exploring bold, vibrant worlds, solving puzzles and collaborating with friends. But you don’t necessarily need kids for the game. Even ‘grown-ups’ like this writer want to play if before those meddling kids get their grubby little mitts on the controller.

Cyber Group Games are on developing duties, and Outright Games are the publishers. It would seem that everything went swimmingly with the Gigantosaurus The Game:

Working with Outright Games has allowed us to create something truly special that the whole family can enjoy together at home. With the launch of our first ever video game we now have the opportunity for a brand-new audience to experience the world of Gigantosaurus for the first time ever.

Thierry Braille, Vice President Interactive and Videogame Division and Dominique Bourse COO Cyber Group Studios

If that hasn’t sold you on the title, how about watching the trailer below? You might as well now that you’ve read this far.

Out now on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Steam.