Kaiju Chaos As Gigapocalypse Smashes On Consoles This Summer

Kaiju Chaos As Gigapocalypse Smashes On Consoles This Summer
Source: PR

It’s easy to destroy than create, so let’s go with that on an epic scale in Gigapocalypse – a side-scrolling city-smasher that’s storming onto consoles this summer.

From Goody Gameworks and Headup Games, you’ll take control of an upgradeable Giga – a Kaiju/Rampage infused beast that will tear through the cityscapes, causing mayhem. There are nine to choose from: prehistoric, ‘Old Gods’ and outer space variations.

The aim in Gigapocalypse is to reach each location’s boss, defeat them, and then use your wins to buff up your Giga, as well as their digs and some items, via a Tamagotchi-style mini-game.

It’s been great to see the positive reactions to Gigapocalypse as we’ve added more and more to it throughout the game’s time in Early Access on PC… With the many updates and improvements we’ve made, the game is better than ever and I hope console players are looking forward to picking a Giga and laying waste to everything in front of them!

Developer Goody Pundit

Here’s a trailer:


Gigapocalypse is heading to PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on the 2nd of June.