Go Give Gobbo Goes A Go

Go Give Gobbo Goes A Go
Source: Itch.io

Having the best intentions to do something isn’t always the best of excuses. Some months back (probably a year ago), I said I’d cover more Itch.io games but haven’t done much since Sleepless Kev. Let’s break things up with some info on Gobbo Goes.

Developer Roman got in touch about this one. I wasn’t familiar with the title, even though it’s a point and click, but the Terry Gilliam-like art style, surrealism, and unique approach to the UI were enough to get my attention.

Gobbo is an ex-jester and ‘realises that strange creatures transformed the world in a lifeless and industrial desert…’. There’s not much need for exposition, however, as this adventure features five non-linear quests and is open-ended.

Whet your appetite? Have a look at the Gobbo Goes trailer here:


Whether you’re not keen on Steam or want to give indie’s a chance, have a look-see at Gobbo Goes on the Itch page for more deets.