Leaving No Goblin Stone Unturned In This Playable Demo

Goblin Stone Steam
Source: Steam

What have goblins ever done for us? More than you think. You want the proof? Check out how hard-working they are in Goblin Stone – a turn-based RPG from Curve Games and Orc Chop Games, coming to Steam, with a playable demo available now.

Alright, do it’s a fantasy – goblins aren’t fixing our roads or sorting out our plumbing (ooer!). However, as a rogue-like, these beautiful creatures are risking their lives at every turn for our entertainment.

Featuring ‘tactical combat, unique base-building, legacy systems, and a strong roguelike loop, all presented in a gorgeous story-book aesthetic with AAA-quality narration’. Goblin Stone is one to check out if you have access to Steam.

Here’s a trailer:

The Goblin Stone demo will be available until the 3rd of August, 2023. If you’re reading this post after that date, be sure to add the game to your wishlist for an update on the release date.