New Godlike Burger Shop Opening Near You!

Godlike Burger release date
Source: Steam

Could this be the best burger place in the galaxy? Time will tell when Godlike Burger comes to Steam, GOG and Epic Games Store this month. It’s gonna be a good ‘un.

It’s quite a familiar story: a chef runs a profitable business, creating some delicious and unusual burgers for those looking for inspiration. The secret ingredient has nothing to do with chicken or secret sauce: it’s their alien customers.

Yep, Godlike Burger is Sweeney Todd in space! It’s all about, literally, catering to the customer’s needs by sourcing fresh produce (gulp!) and expanding onto other planets with your restaurant, in fear of the fuzz (that’s the police, my American friends) catching up on the body count.

Key features in the game include:

  • Kill your customers with a range of hidden traps or the good old meat cleaver! Their delicious meat is your special ingredient after all.
  • Cook the best burgers and turn your pitiful burger joint into the universe’s most famous restaurant.
  • Improve your kitchen and find out what each alien race likes – uncover the secret of the perfect burger.
  • Explore the galaxy and its worlds. There are different alien species and their individual strengths and weaknesses to discover.
  • Don’t get caught! Leave no witnesses and keep the police’s suspicion low by playing and planning smartly.

Here’s a Godlike Burger trailer:

Now, I’d like to confidently say I’ll be reviewing this and will post my thoughts on the release date, the 21st of April, but I’m not sure if I’ll be getting it. Let it be known, Daedalic Entertainment: I’d like to get in on the juicy action and am happy to wait in line…