Golf Club Wasteland Is Another Beautifully Desolate Title From Untold Tales

Golf Club Wasteland Is Another Beautifully Desolate Title From Untold Tales
Source: Steam

Golf Club Wasteland has tapped into the realities of what some individuals would do when humanity has been wiped out: go for a round of golf.

It’s not the first thing the majority will think about, but perhaps the Fallout series and Cormac McCarthy got it wrong. Maybe our survival is teeing off rather than finding a mouldy sandwich?

Golf Club Wasteland - The largest mini-golf
World’s biggest mini-golf course. Source: Steam

Untold Tales’ (Beautiful Desolation) latest title, developed by Demagog Studio, is a massive twist on mini-golf, where players will travel the world in their spacesuit to the landmarks across the globe to set the par for every course. It’s not like there will be any competition.

Golf Club Wasteland is a beautiful looking title announced at E3 and coming to PC and consoles. With 99% of the population wiped out, Earth has become a golf course for the ultra-rich.

Elon Musk got his wish (not androids yet), and the survivors have fled to Mars. But this isn’t just a round of golf for the elite – Golf Club Wasteland is about the protagonist’s last game on Earth, an underlying story that gives a glimpse of what happened to those who escaped, and a ‘secret spectator’ watches from a distance.

Have a look at the reveal trailer below:

Golf Club Wasteland is coming to PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch with a release date of August 2021. Steam users will be able to play a demo later this month.