Green Phoenix Gets Your Shootin' Back On-Rails

Green Phoenix Gets Your Shootin' Back On-Rails
Source: Steam

When life feels off the rails, get back on them with an on-rails shooter Green Phoenix – especially when it’s on offer at an absolute steal.

If games like Redout Assault are your cup of tea, then Broken Simulation’s game, published by Zerouno Games, could be your next purchase when it comes out on Steam and Switch next week.

Green Phoenix - Fans of shooters
Fans of arcade shooters. Source: Steam

It’s not all mindless shootin’ though, as there’s a deep and immersive story as co-pilot, fully voiced and, to quote, beautifully sculptured worlds.

That’s all there is to say, really as there isn’t much more info on Green Phoenix – everything else would be a guess, so here’s a trailer:

Pick up Green Phoenix for $3.99 and $3.49 respectively on Steam n’ Switch from the 26th of August.