Hardcore Mecha Action Platforming Cosplay For The Switch

Hardcore Mecha Action Platforming Cosplay For The Switch
Source: Steam

2D robot-combat platformer Hardcore Mecha is now available as a free demo and coming to the Switch in October.

How about a bit of metallic cosplay? In Hardcore Mecha, from RocketPunch Games and Lightning Games, players get to don a mecha that brings flight and destruction with a Metal Slug flair to it.

In the full game, there will be three major game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer and Survival mode, but the meat and potatoes are the Campaign where you play mercenary Tarethur O’Connell, an ‘ACE pilot of Hardcore Defense Corp.

Hardcore Mecha - Drop the act
Drop the act, you’re not a real robot. Source: Steam

With over 8 chapters and 18 stages, players will be able to exit their mechas so they can explore the various environments, including deep underwater or in space.

Aside from the Survival mode in Hardcore Mecha, with over 50 types of enemy mechas, there’s also the Multiplay game with ‘high-speed competitive PVP battles’ either as a local split-screen for up to four players or online.

You may have already seen this in the Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase, check it out below:

Hardcore Mecha is out on the Switch on the 15th of October, but you can download the demo now which features the single and multiplayer modes.