Hardcore Mecha Out On Switch This Year

Hardcore Mecha Out On Switch This Year
Source: PR

2D action platform game Hardcore Mecha gets confirmation of a Switch release later this year.

Previously a Kickstarter success story, Harcore Mecha managed to stay in the top three of the charts in Japan for the first month after release, when initially unleashed on the PS4.

Now the 2D platform game by Rocket Punch comes to the Switch which has been classed as a mix of Metal Slug and Super Robot Wars.

Hardcore Mecha - Scale
Scale for you. Source: PR

There are three main game modes. In the campaign, you play Tarethur, a merc tasked with locating an officer on Mars. With over 8 chapters and 18 stages that mix up the environments as much as the aforementioned Metal Slug, you can also swap out your mechas, enabling a bit more freedom in platform sections.

Additionally, the other two modes are the survival option – featuring over 40 mecha options to choose from, then fighting wave after wave of enemies. The final mode is for multiplayer games for up to 4 players, either local on online PvP.

HARDCORE MECHA is the ultimate mecha experience. From the array of different mechs available, the variety of stunning manoeuvres, on top of the engaging platforming elements, there is so much for players to enjoy

Louiky Mu, Producer at RocketPunch

All games can look good with a cinematic, but once past that, the gameplay for Hardcore Mecha looks really good:

Hardcore Mecha is scheduled for a release on the Switch on the 15th October, according to a notification on Twitter.