Hardspace Shipbreaker Behind The Screams In Space

Hardspace Shipbreaker Behind The Screams In Space
Source: PR

Hardspace Shipbreaker is a first-person sci-fi title that has you salvaging spacecraft in space.

But it’s essentially Minesweeper in space as the risks involved in scavenging for tech in zero gravity has the Health and Safety Team at Acme Mechanics filling their pants.

Blackbird Interactive’s game aims to recover valuable material from wrecks so that you can upgrade your gear and get out of debt to LYNX Corp.

Hardspace Shipbreaker - Ripley
Ripley ain’t got nothin’ on me. Source: PR

One slight mistake with cutting a component could trigger an almightly explosion that will have you eternally floating in space like a promo to a Stanley Kubrick flick.

Hardspace Shipbreaker starts as a run-of-the-mill mechanical simulator until that first spark triggers an explosion, then you’re on the edge of your seat, holding your breath.

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Considering you’re free to ‘cut and destroy at will within next-generation physics’ classes this as a game that deserves to be played. Well, here’s your chance as it’s available via Steam Early Access.

Check out the trailer below, but try not to be distracted by the wicked soundtrack:

Available in Early Access from the 16th of June, Hardspace Shipbreaker will be launched on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at a later date.