Harmony's Odyssey, A Harmonious Place For The Modern And Mythic

Harmony's Odyssey, A Harmonious Place For The Modern And Mythic
Source: PR

Set near the city of Olympus, we join the young and fierce wizard Harmony, as she sets out to find her cat who stole her wand in Harmony’s Odyssey coming to PC and Nintendo Switch.

Besides from this casual thievery, her cat has tangled the world into a clump of yarn. But this isn’t the game’s draw, but the mix of the modern world, a.k.a. suburbia, and the mythic one.

Harmony will encounter anything from dragons getting stuck in traffic to selfie motivated penguins. Best of all, you can interact with them, linking both worlds together.

Hamony's Odyssey - Beware
Beware the Cyclops! Source: PR

Harmony’s Odyssey is an adventure puzzle title from MythicOwl and is scheduled release later in 2021. Aside from fantasy, there will be a focus on comedy, as well as the following:

  • 3D tile-based gameplay with interactive puzzles
  • Seven distinctive worlds filled with life and myths
  • Exciting, wide range action mini-games to enjoy
  • Delightful, eye-candy graphics and climatic soundtrack
  • Cheerful, fussy creatures that resemble real life animals
  • Engaging, thoughtful riddles to solve
  • Eventful comedy & drama story combining mythological and contemporary themes

Check out the official trailer here:

As stated, there’s no release date for Harmony’s Odyssey other than this year, but that doesn’t stop you adding to your wishlist.