Have A Blast Steals My Pun. Party Shooter Out This Month

Have A Blast out next week
Source: Nintendo

Have A Blast immediately put me uneasy as my headline and dad jokes immediately felt redundant. How do you come up with a pun for a fast-paced shooter? Oh, shoot.

I wasn’t wowed by the trailer, but that doesn’t say everything about a game, and if you solely rely on these, you’re going to face some disappointment. What appeals to me is the most important part: gameplay.

Have A Blast - Streams
Streams. Source: Nintendo

Have A Blast, from Firenut Games, is a party game of sorts, as you’ll be hoping to out-do your friends by getting a hi-score as you navigate through space, bouncing off of the environments to come out as top dog.

Asteroids immediately springs to mind – one of my favourite arcade games, and roping in some cautious friends (or family) sounds like a winner to me.

Key features in Have A Blast include:

Here’s the trailer:

You can pick the game up on Steam or the Nintendo Switch from the 26th of August. Those who are friends of Nintendo get a 20% discount before launch (you have to buy it, of course).