There's Nothing Like The Heir Of The Dog (Adventure, That Is)

There's Nothing Like The Heir Of The Dog (Adventure, That Is)
Source: Steam

That line “… is arguably one of the best“, a comfort sentence I often use, is irrelevant when you know that Lucy Dreaming was one of the best point and click adventures released on Steam and the Nintendo Switch. There’s nothing arguable about it. Well, Tall Story Games are back already with a new game: Heir of the Dog.

Set in Victorian London, this adventure that follows the life of Cummerbund Bandersnatch was originally a Game Jam title from 2020 (called Hair of the Dog), but after successful persuasion of those who played it, as well as the success of Lucy Dreaming, a demo is on the way.

Heir of the Dog is not simply an extension of its predecessor but a natural expansion of the story, implementing all the techniques, UI and humour from the studio’s most recent title. The voices are being recorded now (well, maybe they’re already done?).

Here’s the teaser trailer:

Heir of the Dog’s release date has yet to be announced, but wishlist it now on Steam for a notification when the demo has been released. It’s so exciting!