Hello Neighbor Animated Series Pilot Airs Friday

Hello Neighbor Animated Series Pilot Airs Friday

Starting on a weird note as this news piece isn’t exactly gaming, but…gaming related: Hello Neighbor is getting an animated series – the popular survival game published by tinyBuild.

Initially released in 2017 on the PC and Xbox One, Hello Neighbor is a survival horror game with a heavy reliance on stealth tactics. Think Resident Evil, only you have one threat – and a genuine one: your neighbour (note the correct spelling).

Hello Neighbor Animated Series - Caught
If it weren’t for you meddling kids. Source: tinyBuild

The Hello Neighbor animated series is like a coming of age story of a bunch of kids, led by Nicky, who investigates the disappearance of the kids in their community – with one of the neighbours being the prime suspect. Think The GooniesStand By Me and The Burbs. Showing my age, eh?

However, nothing is set in stone just yet as a six-minute pilot is heading our way this week. The Hello Neighbor animated series is available on Friday the 17th April at 10 am PST (Seattle/Los Angeles time), so Google your timezones and be ready.

In the meantime, here are some interesting facts, courtesy of tinyBuild:

  • The story for the animated series was written by Carly Anne West, author of four Hello Neighbor book adaptations (2M+ copies sold), with the series being produced by Jon Carnage, ex-Director of Programming at Twitch
  • Animation for the series was created by Animasia Studio, best known its work with Cartoon Network
  • tinyBuild is the first video game publisher to utilize the YouTube Community Subscription format, offering perks and bonuses for paid subscribers (the pilot episode will be available for free) 
  • An extended 20-minute version of the first episode will also be available to paid subscribers, with additional interviews and behind-the-scenes footage included. 
  • The 6-minute pilot will be used to not only bring in fans but attract interest from established studios
  • The Hello Neighbor franchise has recently hit 30M downloads

Remember the live scheduling mentioned above and set a reminder for Hello Neighbor animated series via YouTube like I just did.