Hellscreen, A Modern Retro FPS For 2022

Hellscreen, A Modern Retro FPS For 2022
Source: Steam

For those who have FPS heritage or know their retro onions, Hellscreen is an indie shooter in development that you might want to make a note of, e.g. wishlist on Steam in preparation for its launch late next year.

Like the classic id Software games you might have heard through the grapevine and the resurgence of 90s shooters like Ion Fury and Hellbound, this game by uk_resistant ticks every box.

Hellscreen - Look behind you...
Look behind you… Source: Steam

In fact, if Hellscreen were being screened for an interview, it’d ace all the questions.

What inspires you? 

Doom, Quake, Half-Life, and Alien Vs Predator.

Give the name of an artist that has influenced your art style.

H.R. Giger.

FPS titles are two-a-penny. What makes you different?

I can shoot both forwards and back. Mirror tech, baby.

I’m writing this from my perspective, so I’m excited about this, assuming that the above is an accurate account (facts from Steam). Also, it features that mechanic where you can attack both forwards and back using a RearView Mirror. An ace up its sleeve or a gimmick? 

Below is a vid from the Kickstarter campaign:

As much as I’d like to say I found this title through my indie senses, it was another one of those chance sightings on Twitter that led to this post. The dev, or anyone else for that matter, hasn’t asked for this – I think Hellscreen is a title worth keeping an eye on.

Hellscreen is out on the 31st of October 2022. Wishlist it in the meantime.