Hexceed Your Expectations With This Indie Puzzler For Steam

Hexceed Your Expectations With This Indie Puzzler For Steam
Source: Steam

Good with numbers? Me neither. Good at procrastinating by playing a thoroughly addictive game like Minesweeper, only much much prettier, and a ton more variety? This, my friends, is Hexceed. Actually, this is just a brief article – Hexceed is the game.

From developer duo ToastieLabs (Coloring Pixels), Hexceed is a relaxing puzzle game with 100s of levels via DLC, but the base game has plenty to experience and… it’s free to play on Steam. Indeed!

Hexceed - Pink
Pink. Source: Steam

But a news piece about a game launched in January is a little… late. Instead, Hexceed is coming to the Switch – arguably the best platform for puzzle games as they tend to be my go-to games of late; A Monster’s ExpeditionAntonball, and so on.

The concept is simple; reveal a series of hexagonal tiles using critical thinking based on the hints provided. Seriously – I’m trying to explain Minesweeper. It’s a classic game for good reason, and Hexceed may be on the path to knocking it off its pedestal.

Check out the trailer here:

Hexceed is available for Steam now, and as mentioned, it’s free to play with paid DLC for when you progress or if you have to have it all in one go. As for the Switch, it’ll be coming to the eShop on the 28th of October – also with the DLC.

A review will materialise for the game soon, and I’ll aim to post before the release date. Alternatively, you can try it for yourself now by downloading it on Steam!