Hidden Shelter Proves That Cars Really Are Unreliable

Hidden Shelter Proves That Cars Really Are Unreliable
Source: Steam

Now available on Steam, Hidden Shelter – a first-person survival horror game from White Vortex focusing on exploration; the purpose, to find a lost friend.

The story is of three friends who are separated after an accident. One has completely disappeared, one goes for help. Simultaneously, the third person attempts to locate the lost member, their brother, in an isolated house with one too many mysteries associated with it.

A car breaks down/accident, an isolated house… I need a break from these games, so don’t expect a review after covering both Martha and Silver Chains recently, but I have to say, Hidden Shelter looks like a great title for horror fans.

Hidden Shelter - Hungry
Hungry? Me neither. Source: Steam

With two possible endings, the developers note a complex underlying story, where players are encouraged to explore their surroundings; paying attention to the notes and letters scattered along the way.

We made this game with only two people. …It was a huge effort to create and publish it. We hope that everyone can have fun with what we did.

Renan Barreto, creative director of the game

Have a look-see at the trailer below:

You can pick up Hidden Shelter on Steam now. You know what to do.