Hipster Café - Skinny Lattes, Avocado and Skateboards

Hipster Café - Skinny Lattes, Avocado and Skateboards
Source: Steam

Hipster Café’s own press line ‘make stupid food, serve it on a skateboard, and impress your friends by drawing in your coffee’ sold me on the game immediately, more so when I found out what type of game this is.

Having worked in a design capacity and y’know – gone outside and into trendy shops, Useful Slug (aren’t they all?) have hit the nail on the head with their observation on those types who like to take selfies with their latte, adding extra braids to their beards and what-not.

I wonder how much of the game is based on observations and how much of Hipster Café is a representation of the developer’s chosen lifestyle… anyhoo, the actual game is a tycoon-based one of making up off-the-wall recipes, served on abstract pieces of furniture.

Here’s a trailer (with some gameplay snippets at the end):

Hipster Café is currently scheduled for April 2022, but a demo will be available over the Steam Next Fest, so do check it out.