Hokko Life: Make An Ideal Life For Yourself In This Upcoming Early Access

Hokko Life: Make An Ideal Life For Yourself In This Upcoming Early Access
Source: Team17

Hokko Life looks set to give Animal Crossing: New Horizons a run for its money as the Team17 and Wonderscope Games venture looks like PC gamers get their own version.

It’s not rocket science to come to that conclusion – check the trailer for yourself, but irrespective of whether it’s like Nintendo’s new flagship or not, it’s a game that will have a lot of us drooling over.

Hoko Life - Digs
Digs. Source: Team17

Heading to Early Access from the 2nd of June, Hokko Life is set in the town of Hokko, where gamers will be able to design their own lifestyle from the wallpaper through the position of the chair cushions. This title couldn’t come sooner!

With a built-in editor, players can customise their clothing as well as the furnishings, then share them with their friends. Additional activities include collecting bugs and going fishing. Sounds familiar? So what? Sounds great!

Key features in Hokko Life include:

  • Get Creative: The workshop awaits as players take control over every aspect of Hokko, with the 3D design tool, every aspect of a player’s creation can be tailored to perfection
  • Dare to Design: No detail is too small, everything from the colour, fabric, and angle of the pillow on a chair can be edited
  • Sharing is Caring: Players will be able to share their meticulously crafted designs with friends and other players around the world
  • Back of the Net: A lazy afternoon in Hokko can be spent with a net or pole in hand, catching and collecting the critters crawling around town
  • Meet the Neighbours: Hokko’s townsfolk offer a warm welcome, and with varying personalities, they all make for fantastic friends.

Here’s the trailer:

For those of you itching to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the PC, here’s a contender and possible champion: Hokko Life. Wishlist it now.