Hot Wheels Unleashed Gets A Launch Date Later For This Year

Hot Wheels Unleashed Gets A Launch Date Later For This Year
Source: PR

Forget Gran Turismo 8Hot Wheels Unleashed is the eye candy you need if you’re a petrol head or simply have a kink for four wheels. While only a teaser cinematic, at the moment, the game will be good to go later in the year.

From Mattel, and Milestone, the game will be an arcade-style racing game drawing in all the features of the brand we should expect: drifting, boosting and crashing on the iconic orange tracks.

Hot Wheels crashes were a fundamental part of growing up, so let’s hope we get some Burnout-like action when the game is released in September, which features both online and offline play.

…we’re all so committed in delivering the purest and most authentic Hot Wheels gameplay experience ever in a videogame. We owe it to the Hot Wheels community and to our inner children.

Michele Caletti, Executive Producer, Milestone

A lot is riding on the brand in terms of childhood memories. Still, Hot Wheels Unleashed has plenty of potential. Aside from the actual races, you can customise your cars, plus it included a revolutionary Track Editor – no more complaints from your folks for having a track extending into the kitchen…

Have a look at the cinematic below, with a bit of a Lego Movie fourth wall trick:

Hot Wheels Unleashed will be available for the PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC from the 30th of September 2021.