House Flipper Luxury DLC

House Flipper Luxury DLC
Source: Steam

The House Flipper Luxury DLC has a release date, well, a ‘soonish’ time to expect it, which is Q4 2021, courtesy of Frozen District.

If you’ve been milking the property from Home Alone by knocking down walls and putting a plasma on every wall, soon you’ll have a broader choice that includes glass roofs, contemporary and antique furnishings, swimming pools, automated lighting and much more.

House Flipper Luxury DLC - Kitchen
Kitchen sink. Source: Steam

The new House Flipper Luxury DLC should be near the top of your wishlist if you were a fan of the base game and looking for new ways to make some cash or do a pseudo makeover of your own home?

Here’s a trailer:

House Flipper Luxury DLC will be released in Q4 2021 as mentioned. In the meantime, why not give Castle Flipper a go? You can read the review here.