How does one deal with loss? That’s a question that I’m not going to be answering on a gaming website, but perhaps the upcoming puzzle game How To Say Goodbye might share some light?

Taking inspiration from illustrated books, which we know works so well – Growbot and upcoming The Garden Path are prime examples, ARTE France, and authors Florian Veltman and Baptiste Portefaix’s title explores the themes of mourning and loss told through the eyes of a ghost.

Your character has recently made this transition to a spectre, lost in an unknown world populated by spirits. The goal is to help guide other spirits (like Spiritfarer) out of limbo by manipulating the decor of a grid: clear a way, and perhaps they will meet peace. However, there’s a mysterious wizard in How To Say Goodbye that intends to put a halt to any progression.

Check out the teaser trailer here:

How To Say Goodbye is scheduled for release in 2022 on PC and Mac.