Human Recreates The Simpsons Hit And Run

Human Recreates The Simpsons Hit And Run
Source: PR

I’m not one of those big gaming sites with all the exclusives and social commentaries on the latest eSports celeb with their gorgeous clicks. So, it may come as a bit of a surprise that I’m posting something random like this chap who recreated the retro The Simpsons Hit and Run.

YouTube is great as a viewer for all its suggestions, rubbish when you want people to find your channel (perhaps you should post some decent content? – ed. Hold on, I’m the ‘ed’). For the former, reubs ‘C++ Survival Game Course’ came up as a recommendation, and it was well worth the watch.

Initially I was wondering why bother? You can play The Simpsons Hit and Run on one of the latest emulators, and it can look pretty polished. Saying for a friend. But if you have put aside just over 10 minutes – the time it takes to recharge your DualSense, you’ll see just how good Reuben’s kung fu really is.

Anyway, this isn’t a reaction piece or any other piggybacking; just go watch it for yourself, then dig out your copy to relive the memories. I think I have three different versions of this sitting on my shelves!