I Am Your Lawyer: Get Your Alibi Ready For Steam

I Am Your Lawyer: Get Your Alibi Ready For Steam
Source: PR

It’s quite surprising that there aren’t more games like I Am Your Lawyer, considering the number of films that end up in a courtroom. Quite frankly, I’m tired of these segments, but that’s the opposite when it comes to an IP such as this.

Games Incubator has announced this title where you take the role of one serving in Satan’s army; a lawyer. You have to represent the likes of the innocent, thieves, murderers and possibly celebrities? 

Regardless of the crime, you have a well-balanced casebook to attend to and have to do your own investigative work to surmise whether your client is innocent or not, then put together a case to get them off the hook.

I Am Your Lawyer - Bruce
Mr Willis needed the work. Source: PR

In I Am Your Lawyer, you will speak with your client to pinpoint where they were at the time of the crime, listening to audio recordings, inspecting crime scene photos and more. Additionally, you can speak to the police officers at the scene, ask questions and re-examine evidence if necessary.

You aren’t restricted solely to a desk as you can use a map to navigate around town to obtain information and evidence on the case, head downtown to the police station, laboratory for fingerprints and surveillance tapes and more.

During the trials in I Am Your Lawyer, you’ll quiz witnesses and determine if they’re telling the truth, react to accusations and learn about the jury to give you an advantage. Phew. This is why they’re paid so much.

Here’s a trailer:

The release date for I Am Your Lawyer hasn’t been confirmed yet, but you can conduct your own investigation by visiting the Steam page.