Icarus: Fatal Sky Short Film Released Ahead Of Game Launch

Icarus: Fatal Sky Short Film Released Ahead Of Game Launch
Source: Steam

There’s no point talking about the new Icarus: Fatal Sky short film if I haven’t even watched it. So, I watched RocketWerkz 20 minute documentary, as intended, before the launch of Icarus this weekend.

Icarus is a sci-fi survival game that relies upon a session-based approach. There are limited-time drops where you must search for rare exotic matter used to encourage advanced tech development.

Located on the terraformed planet of the same name, up to eight players can join in on a co-op level, where sessions can last hours, even weeks. Once resources have been retrieved, players can distribute their ‘winnings’ into character development, all the while surviving various weather events covering three biomes and hand-crafted maps.

RocketWerkz released an eight-minute video in April, but their latest is a companion piece to the upcoming release and not an extended trailer. It fuses live-action with actual gameplay footage, telling the story of the prospecting team that did not make it back.

The Fatal Sky documentary isn’t a trailer, rather it’s a piece of companion media that puts players into the right frame of mind for a survival game. Much like in real life survival situations, the decisions you make in a survival game have consequences. The events you face, and your decisions based on them, form the journey our players make far beyond simple storylines outside the genre.

Icarus’ gamerunner Dean Hall

And here’s the video for Icarus: Fatal Sky:

Icarus is released this Friday on Steam. To wishlist it, click on the non-affiliated link below.