In My Shadow Is A Puzzle Title That Delves Deep Into Bella's Past

In My Shadow coming to Steam
Source: PR

Released on mobile to much acclaim, In My Shadow is an award-winning puzzle platformer from Playbae Games, heading to Steam in Q1 2021, and will be part of the Steam Games Festival next month.

Published by Alcon Interactive Group, the story follows Bella, who attempts to address her past through a series of imaginative and twisted puzzles.

With In My Shadow, players will get to explore four rooms comprising 50 puzzles to solve that delve into her memories, exploring her changing memories with more than one solution at times.

In My Shadow - Casting a shadow
Casting a…shadow. Source: PR

Defined as ‘s a heart-warming story into the mind of a young woman looking for answers to questions in her past’, the game is more than just a clever puzzle title loaded with twists.

Key features for In My Shadow? Sure:

  • 50+ levels across 4 rooms, each having its own set of distinct mechanics.
  • A heart-felt story about Bella’s mental apprehensions narrated through her childhood memories.
  • Melodic music that flows seamlessly throughout the game to let you deeply absorb the emotion.
  • A tastefully colorful representation of Bella’s house to reflect the individual personalities of everyone in her family.

Here’s a trailer:

In My Shadow will be available during the Steam Games Festival from the 3rd-9th of February and released in Q1 2021 on Steam, naturally.