Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue Is A Dream For Drifters

Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue Is A Dream For Drifters
Source: Screen capture

All my hopes and dreams came true when playing the Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue on Steam last month. I’ve just had a bit of a nightmare in getting organised.

Out this summer, this twin-sticker drifter (not often you can say that) is über stylish but matched with the right level of gameplay any driving game should embody.

My only gripe is no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t configure a controller setup, even though there’s support on Steam. Instead, I had to play on the keyboard, and it just didn’t feel right. I’m confident that this will be ready in time of release, if not when it comes to consoles.

Intertial Drift Sunset Prologue - Gunner
Gunning for you. Source: Screen capture

However, that didn’t suppress my delight – Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue is gorgeous. I was hoping/expecting an Initial D aesthetic, but the game stands on its two feet four wheels and in a class of its own.

Yes, I can confidently say this is the driving game I’m looking forward to most this year when there’s already a wealth of them in the pipeline.

Either I underestimated my current PC setup or Level 91 Entertainment (Twitter) have Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue optimised to the hilt as I ran on the best settings and it went like excrement off a trowel. That backfired.

Though it’s a demo, there are two tracks to choose from and two different cars. 

Now, this isn’t a review as 1) the game isn’t out yet 2) my appraisal would be unreliable because I didn’t enjoy using the keyboard. I know that my controller was working as I was playing Waking before this.

Again, the issue was with me finding the right setting, and if I stop typing for a second, I could probably find a solution on a forum. It won’t change my mind: Inertial Drift is one to watch, and I encourage any driving fan – especially you drifters – to download Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue from Steam if you have access. 

Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue - Straight
On the straight, but not narrow. Source: Screen capture

In the process, work out how to get controller support and remind me that I’m a spanner.

This preview should feature a bit more in-depth coverage on the control system as that is undeniably the most significant selling point: a dedicated control for drift, irrespective of what you’re doing with your steering.

But, I’ve provided my ‘Why VK can’t do PE today’ excuse above. The bottom line is you have to look at this game if you’re a fan of the genre – at least to appreciate the purple spectrums and retro soundtrack that could be the basis of any decent cyberpunk title.

Intertial Drift is out this summer, published by PQube, and for the. PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC. Inertial Drift Sunset Prologue can be exclusively downloaded for free on Steam.