Infestor Is Invading Your Friday Night, This Err... Friday

Infestor Is Invading Your Friday Night, This Err... Friday
Source: Ratalaika Games

Invaders must die! As long as it isn’t Infestor, star of the show in Ratalaika’s new game of the same title. Heading to the major consoles this week, what’s this all about then, eh?

You play the title character, Infestor, as they manipulate every human in sight by face planting – scratch that – plant on their face, then flirt with their appendages. Hmmm, sexy.

Infestor - No longer infected
No longer infected. Source: Ratalaika Games

Human Colony 31-5B has to be the most sought after human habitat but to make the most of your staycation, it’s essential to take control of these folk to get you across obstacles and past other peeps that threaten your existence.

With 70 levels on offer in this platform puzzler, there’s plenty for those seeking domination. If you were around in the 16-bit era, you might also feel even more at home with the retro visuals and sound effects for Infestor, which certainly won me over.

But enough with memory lane, here’s an Infestor trailer:

World domination heads to the PS4/PS4, Xbox One/Series X and Nintendo Switch on the 7th of May for both NA and EU.