A Walk Down Memory Lane In Intruder In Antiquonia Out Now

A Walk Down Memory Lane In Intruder In Antiquonia Out Now
Source: Steam

Intruder In Antiquonia was one of the best gaming newsletters that frequented my inbox every week with all the developmental updates and what-not, but that ends now as it’s finally been released.

A point and click adventure game by Aruma Studios, you play as Sarah – an amnesiac who wakes up in the town of Antiquonia, steadily learning the resident’s distaste for the internet, and her connection with the place.

Inspired by the Galicia region in Spain, Intruder In Antiquonia is a passion project from a husband and wife team who originally started development in 2020. I was lucky to play some of the betas, and the game holds a lot of promise.

Key features include:

  • The puzzles are deeply integrated into the story.
  • Original soundtrack that, together with the backgrounds, creates the perfect atmosphere.
  • Explore the world: more than 30 handcrafted backgrounds.
  • Double-click on doors to travel quickly.
  • Hold down the “Tab” key to highlight hotspots in the scene.
  • Pause the game with the spacebar whenever you want, even during cutscenes.
  • Forget about saving, the game provides continuous automatic saves. And you can also save manually if you want.

Here’s a trailer:

Intruder In Antiquonia is available now via Linux, Mac and Windows, priced at $12.99/€11.99 and £10.99, with a 10% discount until the 14 of July.