Intruder In Antiquonia Updates, Demo Available

Intruder In Antiquonia Updates, Demo Available
Source: Steam

Intruder In Antiquonia is a game I’ve been following with regular interest. Besides having this upcoming indie adventure on my wishlist, I’m on the developer’s mailing list.

Aruma Studios send regular updates on the game’s development – not just improvements and fixes, but actual story and character development. It’s one of the best regular newsletters I get and read in its entirety. I’m not on commission by the way; I’ve been meaning to post about these ‘behind the scenes’ updates that are well worth signing up for.

Anyhoo, Intruder In Antiquonia is a point and click game where you play Sarah, a young woman suffering from amnesia. I had the chance to have a look at a demo, and it was very good, but there were a couple of niggles. They’ve since been addressed.

If you’ve already played the demo, you’ll now find that there’s been a wealth of improvements such as changes to the dialogue, an overhaul on the UI (including the custom engine!), plus much more. There’s an exhaustive list on the Steam community page you should check out.

Here’s the current trailer for the game:

Intruder In Antiquonia is currently available as a demo on Steam, and I encourage you to check it out and wishlist. If you’re also a fan of point and clicks, I’d recommend signing up for the newsletter too.