Itorah Adds Spring To Her Step

Itorah coming in Spring 2022
Source: Steam

Action-platformer Itorah is gaining momentum as Grimbart Tales have released a developer diary and confirmed that they are aiming for a release in Spring 2022.

Inspired by Mesoamerican culture and legends, you play the title character Itorah in the world of Nahucan. The poor girl realises that she’s the only human remaining in a plague-infested environment occupied by strange masked beings. That’s not a metaphor; who are these masked ones?!

A hand-drawn adventure deemed ‘a labour of love’ that features platforming combat, puzzle-solving and visual storytelling, Grimbart Tales’ debut will be a heartfelt adventure.

I can promise you; behind the many layers of color leads a deep, emotional, and gloomy story that will appeal to all ages and leave you curious for more. Our goal is to create similar experiences for future generations and to allow space for older generations to revel in nostalgia.

Artur Bäcker, Grimbart Tales Lead Artist, Creative Director, and Co-Founder

Never break a promise, Artur. Pressure’s on. Here’s the Itorah dev diary for your eyes and earholes:

There isn’t a specific date just yet, but Itorah will be on your screens in Spring 2022. Shoddy memory recall? Add it to your wishlist…