Jenny LeClue Detectivu Gets Her First Switch Outing

Jenny LeClue Detectivu Gets Her First Switch Outing
Source: PR

Out this week, Jenny LeClue Detectivu – an investigative adventure coming to the Nintendo Switch.

An expanded edition with full voiceover and touch controls, this game from Mografi is a story of mystery and ‘growing up’. When her mother is accused of murder, Jenny sets out in the town of Arthurton to clear her name.

Using her intuition, Jenny ‘is able to scrutinize her environment during dialogue scenes’ where she can look for otherwise invisible clues in a hand-drawn mid-20th century setting.

Jenny LeClue - Detectivu - Grace
Graveyard shift. Source: PR

Narrated by Arthur K Finklestein, Jenny LeClue Detectivu is a story within a story – said narrator helps you along the way that may affect his own story. Additionally, the music is composed by scntfc (Andrew Rohrmann), behind quite possibly one of my all-time favourite soundtracks, Oxenfree, but also Old Man’s Journey.

Looks are everything in gaming news, so here’s a trailer:

Jenny LeClue Dectectivu is out on the Switch on the 26th of August.